Friday, September 28, 2012

English Narrative

This narrative is going to be hard. I absolutely love writing but I feel like this one is hard, because I have a terrible memory. I have to remember that moment. Not very many of the memories I have are good either. I just have to work for it, if I want it I have to go after it. I love that we have to write like this though. It’s to help us improve. I just hope I can make it worth reading. I would hate to write a boring paper, for the class I absolutely love and I know I can do good at.  

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I've finally got my sorority. I love them. Alpha Omicron Pi. They aren’t your cookie-cutter sorority. There’s so many girls, so many different personalities. They’re my girls. I fit in so well. The 28th is my new member pinning. Then we get our big’s. A big is an older girl who takes care of you and shows you the ropes. Some you’re practically identical to. They give you gifts and help you along. Your big is someone you can always count on. There are a few girls who I hope are my big. But who knows if they want me. They all fell in love with me when I came through recruitment, I love my sorority girls. Alpha Love<3

Monday, September 17, 2012

Thought and writing

I loved getting to read other peoples poems about where they’re from. It gave me a glimps into someone else’s life. Someone who is really like me but looking at her I could never tell. My poem was about autumn and the apple orchard and all of the things I remember about Charlotte. Love it, or hate it. All the time I think both of these emotions. Writing poems is my forte. I definitely hope that we use this mode of writing a lot. My first favorite poem I wrote, when I first realized that I could write them was in the ninth grade. Its was a poem to my father who isn’t around.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Rush Life

Well, I’m at least 100% drained. Rush is completely draining. I’m cranky, tired, and I don’t even want to leave my dorm room. I feel bad for everyone around, I am a crabby patty. They all keep saying it’ll be worth it in the end and I hope everyone’s right. I love all of the sororities I’ve visited. They all completely understand how tired we all are because they’re all tired just the same. I’m so excited for the bids and new sisters I’m going to acquire. I’ve never had a sister so I’m super excited to gain 90+ (: Go Greek!

Monday, September 10, 2012


Brand new blogger here(: Well its 12:40 and i'm up doing homework for 3 classes because i'm rushing this week and have no time(: Go Greek! Wish me luck(:

Get ta know me(:

This is Idabelle. She's my prize winning heifer(:
Here's a little about this girl(: My name is Alexzis Lauryn VanScoder, yes with a Z. I just turned 18, and I'm livin it up at Western Michigan(: for social work. I would love love love a farm when I grow up. I ride quads.Snowboarding is my winter hobby. I love to show cows. I love 4H and FFA. My favorite color is seafoam green. My favorite animals are cows and jelly fish(: I love to hunt and to fish. I love camouflage. Yellow vitamin water and gummies are my thang(: Keep on reading my blog to find out more(: